The January 9th, 2023 monthly HARC meeting was held at Hermiston High School in Room 302 and was called to order by Sam at 19:00.

Member Attendees: KI7CUS, W7JJK, AA7TH, KJ7NYZ, KD7VX, KE7YX, W7ILD, KE7RSL

Guests: Tom Martin KF6EV, Ella, Tony Ficenec KK7JLW, Rory

New Members: Mike Kimsey – W7MWK

The December 2022 meeting minutes, Treasurer’s Report, and Annual Financial Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 01/01/2023. A motion was made by W7ILD to adopt the December meeting minutes as presented. Seconded by KD7VX. Motion passed unanimously.

The December 2022 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by Jeff K.

The 2022 Annual Report was reviewed by W7JJK. W7ILD made a motion to adopt the annual report. KI7CUS seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Ongoing Business

    1. Good Shepherd Hospital Equipment Update – Anna emailed the Good Shepherd Hospital group earlier today to ask about opinions for which power supplies that should be purchased by the hospital. Anna says that a decision and a purchase will be made before the next monthly meeting. Chuck is sick, but recommended that a team go on the roof to check out potential antenna configurations.
    1. HARC Go Kit – Jeff gave an update on the progress of the Go Kit and showed photos to illustrate where the project is at. Sam mentioned that we need to start using the Go Kit at our monthly meetings to familiarize our members with the operation of the equipment. Todd asked if a laptop was included in the project to operate digital on the 991a. According to Sam, a laptop was not included in the scope of the project, but we will consider it as an expansion item in the future. Sam asked that everyone consider mobile antenna solutions as that is the next phase of the project. President Sam Vore also wanted it recorded that he officially recuses himself from any decision made by the club to apply for additional AWS/ChangeX grant funds as he is an AWS employee and does not want the appearance of any conflict of interest.
    1. AA7DD’s estate equipment – Anna provided a recap of Don’s equipment and the club’s involvement in purchasing it after his passing. None of his estate items have been sold by the club as of yet. Items will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Anna if you are interested in purchasing any of the items from that estate.
    1. Anna mentioned that Doug Payne’s widow donated some of his equipment to the club, and that Anna is interested in purchasing a Yaesu VX-3 from that donation for $100. A motion was made by Emery to sell it to Anna for $100. Motion seconded by Todd. Motion passed unanimously.
    1. Dennis gave a solar report for the club.

New Business

    1. 2023 Events – Summer Field Day – Jeff K offered to lead the effort if held on the school district’s Fairgrounds property. The Club needs to decide if that’s the venue that they’d like to hold the event at this year. Whitley brought up Winter Field Day on the last weekend of January, and he thought that the hospital was unavailable for use by the club. Another event proposed by Anna was a class to help prospective licensees study for their license.
    1. A motion was made by Whitley and seconded by Todd to hold the meeting at Hermiston High School again next month. Motion passed unanimously.
    1. Dennis commented that the club has Amazon Smile and that members may want to start using the club’s Amazon Smile so that some funds come to the club via that route.
    1. Club breakfast – Saturday, January 14th at Rayz Dayz, Umatilla at 8 AM.
    1. Todd mentioned the need to have a club directory sent out via email. Jeff K. volunteered to do that.
    1. Whitley mentioned that 10m to 20m has been open this week.

The meeting was adjourned by AA7TH at 19:49.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK.

January 9th, 2023 Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District