The February 13th, 2023 monthly HARC meeting was held at Hermiston High School in Room 302 and was called to order by President Sam at 19:03.  


Guests: None

New Members:  Tony Ficenec KK7JLW, Tom Martin KF6EV

The January 2023 meeting minutes and February 2023 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 02/13/2023.

A motion was made by Kevin to adopt the January meeting minutes as presented.  Seconded by Mike.  Motion passed unanimously.

The February 2023 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by Jeff K.  

Ongoing Business

       1.  HARC Go Kit –  Sam and Jeff gave an update on the Go Kit.  The FTM-300DR 2m/70cm radio is programmed and ready for use.  Training will commence tonight with club members on the operation of the Go Kit.  Jeff noted that the 991A radio still has some hooking up to be done, especially around grounding, and hopes to get help with that tonight.  Jeff mentioned that he will be going to the Think Big Space in Hermiston this week and asked for club members to participate on the repeater once he gets the date and time worked out with the instructor there.  Jeff will send an email to the club to let them know what the date and time window will be.  Club members were given an opportunity to use the Go Kit after the meeting.

      2.  Dennis gave a solar weather report to the club.

      3.   2023 events planning –  Summer Field Day location needs to be nailed down soon.  Jeff K offered (at the previous club meeting) to hold Field Day at the School District’s Old Fairgrounds property.  Dennis reports that the Umatilla Landing Days park has trees but that they are not very tall.  Also, vendors have historically lined up underneath the trees which would preclude our members’ using them as an antenna mast.  Whitley showed some slides of last year’s Field Day event on the school district property.  He also showed slides of the Umatilla Marina campground to demonstrate the feasibility of having the Field Day event there.  The general consensus was that the Umatilla Marina wouldn’t be an acceptable venue for Field Day due to the Umatilla Landing Days festival and the multitude of people it attracts.  Anna offered her cabin property in the Ukiah area as a potential space for the club to use on Field Day.  A motion was made by Whitley to have field day there.  Todd seconded.  Motion passed unanimously with one abstention.  Anna noted that we need to tell Umatilla Landing Days that we won’t be able to help on with their parade as we will be out of town during that weekend.  Both the Irrigon Watermelon Festival and Boardman Fourth of July parades will be discussed at the next meeting.  Dennis mentioned the upcoming Youth Outdoor Skills Day in Pendleton in early February 2024 and it was generally agreed that the club should put that on its calendar of events to participate in.

      4.  Some of AA7DD’s estate equipment is still available for sale by the club.  Anna still has it so if anyone is interested, please contact her.  Anna will send a list of items from that estate that are still available for sale to the club mailing list.

     New Business

  1. Club breakfast – Saturday, February 18th at Rayz Dayz, Umatilla at 8:00 AM.
  1. Dennis has gotten in touch with someone who knows how to get us access to the Black Mountain Repeater Site.  He will go to Heppner to obtain a permit to go up to the site.  He is targeting July 8 or 9 or the 15th or 16th to make the trip up to the repeater site.   
  1. Emery mentioned that the FEMA interoperability test is this Wednesday at 9:30 AM.
  1. Emery mentioned that a rumor is going around that the HARC is planning to put a GMRS repeater on Black Mountain.  KK7BWS made a proposal to put up a GMRS repeater in December, but hasn’t been to a HARC meeting since.  Anna said that he contacted her today and said that he is preparing a presentation but was unable to be at tonight’s meeting due to a family obligation.  
  1. Jeff K put together a mailing list for VEs and it’s working properly, according to Kevin.  
  1. President Sam mentioned that club dues are due.  

The meeting was adjourned by AA7TH at 20:02.  

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK.

February 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District