The September 14, 2020 monthly HARC meeting was held on the air due to COVID-19 concerns.  The net was started by KD7VX at 19:00.  The meeting was called to order by KI7CUS at 19:04.


Guests:  None

New Members: None

August 2020 meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 9/11/2020. A vote to adopt the June and July minutes will be held the next time an in-person Club meeting is held.

Treasurer’s Report

W7JJK read the August Treasurer’s Report.  Checking account is in good standing with a balance of $2,732.56.  

Ongoing Business

  1. Whitley has not yet purchased a quart of paint for the two repeater antennas.  Whitley may need someone to purchase the paint as his back is out of action.  To be discussed at the next net.
  2. The climbing harness necessary to paint the antennas isn’t needed until we can purchase the paint for the antennas.

New Business

  1. Dennis brought up the fact that the FCC is considering reinstating fees for licensing and other various things related to the hobby.  AA7DD said that he’d send out a link to the Club so that members can make comments to the FCC in case they’d like to comment on the proposed fees.
  2. Kevin spoke about the simplex VHF event that will be happening on October 24th.  Members are encouraged to register for the event as registration is a prerequisite for participation.
  3. Club breakfast is happening on Saturday at Rayz Dayz at 8AM.
  4. The next FEMA interoperability exercise is on Wednesday the 16th on the 60-meter band.  
  5. Emery informed the net of a forest fire burning south of Pilot Rock.  

Meeting was adjourned by Dennis at 19:36.

Net closed by KD7VX at 19:43.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

September 14, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District