The August 10, 2020 monthly HARC meeting was held on the air due to COVID-19 restrictions.  The net was started by KD7VX at 19:00.  The meeting was called to order by KI7CUS at 19:12.


Guests:  None

New Members: None

July 2020 meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 8/05/2020. A vote to adopt the June and July minutes will be held the next time an in-person Club meeting is held.

Treasurer’s Report

W7JJK read the July Treasurer’s Report.  Checking account is in good standing with a balance of $2,452.56.  

Ongoing Business

  1. Jeff Sak said in June that Robin Faulkner (N7GSU) has offered the Club a place to house our 6m repeater.  Parts will need to be purchased and the repeater needs to be modified for amateur use. Whitley, Jeff Sak, and Don will form a subcommittee to explore the possibility of getting this repeater put together.  No progress was made on this project in July.

New Business

  1. Whitley moved that we purchase a quart of paint for the antennas.  Seconded by Jeff K.  Motion adopted.  It was decided that Whitley will purchase the paint.
  2. Whitley suggested that we borrow a climbing harness to use when painting the antennas.  Emery to contact K7LW to see about borrowing one.
  3. AA7AZ asked if anyone had a short piece of rotor control cable that he could borrow.  KF7WQ said that he has some spare cable and that Jim could have as much as he wanted.
  4. Dennis offered some RG-6 coax that he has as spare.  If nobody wants it, he’s going to throw it out.

Meeting was adjourned by Dennis at 19:44.

Net closed by KD7VX at 19:44.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

August 10, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District