The October 11th, 2021 monthly HARC meeting was held at the Agape House and called to order by Ki7CUS at 19:03.  

Member Attendees: KI7CUS, AA7DD, W7OLI, KD7VX, KJ7MI, KE7YX, KE4TRR, W7ILD 

Guests: Steve Baze

New Members:  None

The September 2021 meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 10/4/2021.

The September 2021 meeting minutes were read by KI7CUS and the October Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by KI7CUS.  

A vote to adopt the September minutes was not taken as there may have been some discrepancies in the minutes that were distributed.

Ongoing Business

        1.    Whitley, Dennis, and Jeff K. went up and put a coat of paint on the 70cm antenna, but it didn’t dry quickly enough to put a second coat on.  It was added that the marine paint that was used was pretty thick, so the first coat 

        2.   AA7DD said that they need to talk to Sean again because someone has just put a tower up on the State Forestry plot that we might be able to use.  AA7DD to talk with Sean about this topic, but the last he’d heard, the Forestry employees weren’t working in the office.

        3.  The County is still looking for the title to the truck.  The truck is still registered to Boardman Fire, which is where it was before it went to the County.  

New Business

  1. KI7CUS mentioned that he’d like to have the Club’s web address read during the preamble of each weekly net so that listeners might check it out.
  2. Club breakfast will be at Rayz Dayz at 8AM on Saturday morning.
  3. KI7CUS will try to lock in a date with Rayz Dayz for Christmas Dinner and will report back at the next meeting.
  4. Nominations for Club President and Vice President will take place at the next meeting.  

Meeting was adjourned by KI7CUS at 19:33.  

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

October 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District