The August 9th, 2021 monthly HARC meeting was held at the Agape House and called to order by KI7CUS at 19:00.  


Guests: N7VIM, KS7NDY

New Members:  None

The July 2021 meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 8/3/2021.

The July 2021 meeting minutes were read by Dennis McKenry and the Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by Dennis McKenry.  There was a typo on the Secretary/Treasurer’s Report that resulted in an error in the beginning balance.  The report has since been corrected to reflect the actual beginning balance.

A motion was made to adopt the July meeting minutes by NB7O and seconded by AA7DD.  Motion passed.

Ongoing Business

        1.   After a brief discussion, it was decided that the planned work party to paint the .02 antenna will be delayed until later this year until after the summer heat has passed. – This was not discussed at the August meeting.

        2.   AA7DD said that they need to talk to Sean again because someone has just put a tower up on the State Forestry plot that we might be able to use.  KJ7NYZ said that Lynn Wilson’s group is working on putting a repeater up on Tower Mountain and mentioned that the club might want to put something up there.  There is no power at the site, so solar power is the only viable option should the club decide to put a repeater there.  – There was some discussion of this topic but no forward progress was made and the discussion was tabled.

        3.  Dennis reported that five people from the Club showed up to help with the Umatilla County Fair Parade. Dennis and Don felt that the Club’s participation in this parade was not really needed or even wanted.

        4.   On the matter of obtaining insurance for the club’s emergency radio truck, AA7DD said that he would contact the fire district to see if the club could obtain insurance on the vehicle through them.  AA7DD also mentioned that the club doesn’t currently have the title to the truck, but that he knew who to contact to obtain the title and would do so.  AA7AZ said that he would investigate the possibility of obtaining insurance through the ARRL. – AUGUST UPDATE –  AA7AZ provided more information on this topic.  He solicited a quote from Wheatland insurance in the amount of $1,603.00/year and from Swanson’s quote was $1,548.00/year.   AA7AZ proposed that the Club sell the vehicle as a fundraiser due to its large expense and purchase something less expensive to maintain.  AA7AZ made a motion that the Club sell the vehicle.  Motion was seconded by Emery.  A motion was made by NB7O to amend AA7AZ’s motion to give Don two months to see what the Club could get for the truck and to obtain a clear title.  NB7O’s motion seconded by Chuck.  Motion passed unanimously.  AA7AZ’s motion passed unanimously as amended.

New Business

  1. Emery mentioned that the .88 repeater in Pendleton has had its squelch changed to DCS 073.
  2. NB7O and family presented gifts and thanks to those who helped with the Wagon Train and described the Wagon Train and what it entails.

Meeting was adjourned by KJ7MI at approximately 20:08.  

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

August 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District