The August 10, 2020 monthly HARC meeting was held on the air due to COVID-19 restrictions. The net was started by KD7VX at 19:00. The meeting was called to order by KI7CUS at 19:12.
Guests: None
New Members: None
July 2020 meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 8/05/2020. A vote to adopt the June and July minutes will be held the next time an in-person Club meeting is held.
Treasurer’s Report
W7JJK read the July Treasurer’s Report. Checking account is in good standing with a balance of $2,452.56.
Ongoing Business
- Jeff Sak said in June that Robin Faulkner (N7GSU) has offered the Club a place to house our 6m repeater. Parts will need to be purchased and the repeater needs to be modified for amateur use. Whitley, Jeff Sak, and Don will form a subcommittee to explore the possibility of getting this repeater put together. No progress was made on this project in July.
New Business
- Whitley moved that we purchase a quart of paint for the antennas. Seconded by Jeff K. Motion adopted. It was decided that Whitley will purchase the paint.
- Whitley suggested that we borrow a climbing harness to use when painting the antennas. Emery to contact K7LW to see about borrowing one.
- AA7AZ asked if anyone had a short piece of rotor control cable that he could borrow. KF7WQ said that he has some spare cable and that Jim could have as much as he wanted.
- Dennis offered some RG-6 coax that he has as spare. If nobody wants it, he’s going to throw it out.
Meeting was adjourned by Dennis at 19:44.
Net closed by KD7VX at 19:44.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK