The September 11th, 2023 monthly HARC meeting was held at Hermiston High School in the ILC and was called to order by President Sam at 19:00.  


Guests:  Alexis, KK7ODY

New Members: None

The August 2023 meeting minutes and September 2023 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 09/01/2023.

A motion was made by Todd to adopt the August meeting minutes as presented.  Motion was seconded by Ian.  Motion passed unanimously.

The September 2023 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by Jeff K. 

Ongoing Business

       1.   Dennis provided a solar report to the club.

       2.   GSCH update – Alan reported that Jeff and Alan were in contact with Matt Moore at the hospital via email to discuss the HF antenna to be installed on the roof of the hospital.  Jeff recommended a Barker & Williamson model BWDS-90N antenna.   The BWDS-90N is a 90’ folded dipole with an end mast on either end of the antenna.  Jeff also sent the information about purchasing the antenna from HRO and Matt Moore said that he’d go ahead and purchase the antenna using some of the remaining grant funds.  A discussion about the antenna and the conductivity of the roof and the desired mounting height of the antenna ensued.  Alan also mentioned that he has a meeting with Matt on Wednesday at 1 PM to take a look at the annex room in the hospital.  Alan is hoping to determine the suitability of the room for running an additional length of coax into that room from the existing dual-band antenna on the roof.  With any luck, we’ll be able to hook one or more of the hospital’s Yaesu radios up to that antenna.   Alan invited anyone else who is on the club’s working group to attend that meeting.

      3.  Jeff reminded the club that the transmit tone on the .02 should be turned off per the recommendation of the IACC.  

      4.  Club logo update – Sam sent the logo back to the designer after the club membership selected two basic designs and color schemes.  One design had a black background (aka “fill”) and one had a white background (aka “no fill”.)  Sam said the patch with the white background (aka “no fill”) would cost 4-5 dollars less per item as the amount of embroidery would be less.  Sam also said that there are options as to additional coloring, but the embroidery design can only be “fill” or “no fill”.  There can be no switching between the two without redesigning the patch.  There will be two final options for the club to choose from at the October meeting.  

     5.  Winter Field Day – Sam solicited ideas for locations and asked that someone volunteer to coordinate the Winter Field Day for the club.  The event is the last full weekend in January.   Sam will ask EOTEC to see if we can have the event at that location.  Jeff will ask the school district about the possible use of the old fairgrounds.  Anna will ask the Sage Riders arena people if it is available.

6.  Dennis Coykendall’s estate – Sam shared a list of amateur radio equipment that the estate has available and wrote it on the white board in the room.  The list was as follows:  Butternut HF2V 80/40, copper pipe Slim Jim, two HF ham sticks, roof tripods, RG-213, loop/dipole, and woodshop.  Sam then described some of the available items in further detail.  Sam said that the ham’s widow is open to offers being made on the equipment and then shared her contact information with the members.  

     New Business  

  1. Anna brought up the idea of the club developing and producing a new ham and/or new member welcome kit.  She suggested that the kit could include a club patch as well as a list of local repeaters, nets, and important frequencies.  The kit should also contain a list of callsigns and elmers who are available for consultations.  Jim suggested that the club could give new hams who pass an exam with our club a handheld radio such as a Baofeng and a one-year membership in the club.  Sam brought up the idea of presenting a placard with the different frequency allocations to each license level to each welcome kit.  No action was taken on this item.
  1. Jim has a couple of antennas at his place that are available for free to anyone who wants them.  One antenna is a two-meter beam that needs coax attached and the other is an Alpha Delta multi-trap 160-10m antenna.  Both antennas are in need of repair.


1.  Club breakfast – Saturday, September 16th at Rayz Dayz, Umatilla at 8:00 AM.

2.  The High Desert Ham Festival is on September 30th in Redmond.

The meeting was adjourned by AA7TH at 20:11.  

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK.

September 11, 2023 Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District