The May 11, 2020 monthly HARC meeting at Agape House was cancelled and was instead held on the .02 repeater due to restrictions put into place by the Governor of Oregon to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The net was convened by Whitley Smith at 19:03.

April meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 5/7/20. 


Guests:  None

New Members: None

Treasurer’s Report

W7JJK read the Treasurer’s Report to the net.  Checking account in good standing with a balance of $2,437.39.  

Ongoing Business

  1. Dennis, Ian, and Whitley went up on Silusi Butte and successfully replaced the existing machines with the Club’s new refurb machines.  Dennis has the old repeaters in his possession.

New Business

  1. AA7DD announced that a new ham passed her Technician and General exams at the testing session on Saturday.
  2. The May 2020 Club breakfast is cancelled according to Dennis.
  3. AA7DD says that FEMA interoperability exercises are cancelled until further notice.
  4. Don to catch KJ7MI before or after work to acquire roof repair materials for the truck.
  5. An HRI-200 WiresX node is hooked up and working on the Club’s 443.750 machine.  The Club’s computer and the HRI-200 mode are housed in W7JJK’s apartment.
  6. W7JJK said that the HARC website is now on a paid hosting service.  Renewal will cost approximately $100 in three years.
  7. The Club needs to decide if it is going to participate in field day and if it is, then the Club needs to decide on a location.  Field Day 2020 is currently scheduled for June 27-28.
  8. Don is to check with Boardman and Dennis is to check with the Irrigon Chamber or City Hall regarding Club participation in parades this summer.  Dennis said that the Umatilla Landing Days parade has been cancelled for this year.  Dennis will speak with the Umatilla Chamber of Commerce to see what services that we can provide for the parade in 2021.

Meeting was adjourned by Whitley at 19:39.

Net was closed by Whitley at 19:53.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK

May 2020 Meeting Minutes

Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District