The July 11th, 2022 monthly HARC meeting was held at the Agape House and called to order by Anna at 19:08.  


Guests: Kira Smith, KO4SBI

New Members:  None

The June 2022 meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 07/05/2022.

A motion was made by Sam to adopt the June meeting minutes as presented.  Seconded by Mike.  Motion passed.

The June 2022 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by Jeff K.  

Dennis McKenry gave a solar report to the membership.

Ongoing Business

  1. Anna reached out to Tom Roberts today and he is still willing to come out and bring a truck and a pallet to load the ARES gear up from the storage unit so that the club can vacate the storage unit.  Anna is working with him to arrange a time and date for that to happen.

       2.    Anna has arranged a meeting with Matt Moore from Good Shepherd at 10:30 AM tomorrow morning.  Tom Roberts from Umatilla Co. will attend in addition to Anna, Dennis, Whitley, and Alan.  

      3.   Whitley was to come up with a value of Don Drayton’s estate’s equipment and the club would write a check to Mary Drayton for that amount and purchase all of the equipment.  Don’s daughter texted Anna asking when the club might be ready to make an offer on the equipment, and Anna told her that we were working on it and that we’d have a check ready soon.  After the purchase is made, the club will work to sell the equipment and recoup some or all of its money.

      4.    Field Day was attended by Kira, Whitley, Anna, Jordan, and Jim, with very brief appearances by Dennis, Alan, and Jeff K.  Whitley has a list of the contacts in Rich Text Format and members who were present will modify it to add their contact data.  Whitley reports that some guests stopped by the Field Day event and that they were interested in what the club was doing.

      5.    Emery says that the interference still exists, but has been vastly reduced such as to be nearly unnoticeable.  The club agrees that we’ll just keep an eye on it and re-engage with the repeater owner should the problem return to its previous extent.

New Business

  1. Umatilla County Fair Parade is on Saturday, the 6th of August.  Jeff K. will contact the parade organizer to ask if they would like our involvement this year.  
  1. The Irrigon Watermelon Festival Parade is on the 30th of the month and Dennis needs three or four volunteers in order for the club to participate.  The topic will be brought up again during next week’s net.
  1. AWS is offering a community grant with $120k available. Sam volunteered to write the grant request and ask for money to outfit a trailer with HF digital station equipment.  A long discussion of ideal trailer features and configuration ensued among the membership.
  1. The HARC breakfast will be this Saturday (7/16/22) at Rayz Dayz at 8AM.
  1. Dennis mentioned that the ISS would be visible tonight at 23:38 for 7 minutes.
  1. Dennis announced that Wednesday the 20th is the FEMA interoperability exercise on 60m, Channel 1. 
  1. Jim invited everyone over to his house next Saturday after the club breakfast to buy his surplus radio gear.
  1. Dennis mentioned an article on about the Starfish Prime shot in 1962, the EMP that it generated, and the deleterious effects of that EMP.

The meeting was adjourned by KJ7NYZ at 20:32.  

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK.

July 11th, 2022 Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District