November 11, 2019 meeting called to order by Jeff Sak at 19:02.
October meeting minutes distributed. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Emery and second by Bill. Motion approved.
Introductions: Visitor Nate interested in ham radio in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rob provided a verbal update. Checking account in good standing balance $2,105.83.
Old Business:
The ARRL liability insurance verification was approved by the insurance carrier. The application process is pending completion needs to be done other than by Rob since he will be relocating and no longer be an officer of the club.
Don made the motion of approving the cost of $200 and continuing the application process, Jeff Sak seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Will was not in attendance to provide an update on the purchase of a 3rd repeater for a backup. This will be tabled until Will returns. Whitley reminded the club that the old 02 still remains in the shack and can be used as a backup.
Secretary/Treasurer position is open
Jeff Kelso volunteered as a nominee
Dennis nominated
Jeff Sak nominated
New Business:
Jeff Kelso has three Tektronix oscilloscopes from the Hermiston school system that he is going to donate to the club.
Motion from Bill to accept the donation, seconded by Jeff Sak. Motion approved.
Fiberglass coating for the roof of the truck is needed. The cost is $63 a gallon and there is a need for two gallons to cover. Don will check to see if Comrie’s will apply it and what the cost would be. Motion to get it done with a cap of $500 for materials and labor by Emery, seconded by Jeff Kelso. Motion approved.
Breakfast this Saturday at Rae’s Dayz at 08:00. Work party to go up to go to Silusi Butte after breakfast to perform contact cleaning.
No update on retirement of Dave Hughes from the Agape House and whether it will change our meeting location.
Next testing session will be January 11th. Arrangements will be needed and with Rob leaving Don will contact GS Hospital to reserve rooms.
Club Christmas dinner at Rae’s Dayz discussed by Dennis. Saturday night is prime rib night although reservations and a head count is needed. Suggested dates are December 14th or the 21st. Motion to have the dinner on December 14th, Whitley seconded the motion that was approved.
Elections: nomination closed. All nominated candidates were unanimously approved as follows:
President: Jeff Sak
Vice-President: Dennis McKenry
Secretary/Treasurer: Jeff Kelso
Jeff adjourned the meeting at 19:58.
Respectfully recorded by Rob Rizk, KD8FAI
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK