The March 14th, 2022 monthly HARC meeting was held at the Agape House and called to order by KJ7NYZ at 19:30.  


Guests: None

New Members:  None

The February 2022 meeting minutes and Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 03/03/2022.

A motion was made by Kevin to adopt the February minutes as read.  Seconded by Todd.  Motion passed.

The February 2022 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by J. Kelso.  

Ongoing Business

1. Alan brought up the fact that he was hoping to gain access to the storage unit, identify OADN equipment, and then store it at the Umatilla County EOC in Pendleton.  Whitley and Alan agreed to coordinate a trip to do just that as Whitley has the key to the storage unit as of this meeting.  Alan said that he would send some potential dates out via the email list to coordinate a work party at the storage unit.  Dennis offered to store some of the antennas that are in the storage unit if needed.

2. Alan informed the membership that Shawn Halsey is leaving his position as Director of the UMR&DD.  This leaves some uncertainty in terms of how HARC might move forward with placing the .16 repeater up on Carney Butte.  If the project is to go forward, the new Director will need to research, purchase, and transport the new building up to the Carney Butte site.  Emery suggested that the Club talk with Lynn Wilson as he has great experience with Carney Butte and the players involved.  Todd volunteered to contact Lynn to discuss the matter and to act as the Club’s point person with the ODF contact, Justin Lauer.  

3. Dennis mentioned that Lynn Wilson has contacted him about perhaps purchasing a couple of items that were in Don’s possession, including a particular folded dipole antenna and any duplexers that the Club didn’t want.  Jeff Sak asked Todd to offer the Club’s crank-up tower that is stored at his (Jeff’s) house to Lynn to see if he would be interested in purchasing it.

New Business

  1. A vote for Director Position #2 was held.  The vote was a 6-6 tie.  The matter was settled by a coin toss.  Kevin won with Emery’s coin toss of “heads.”  
  1. The Club discussed the need to replace Don Drayton as a VE so that we can resume testing for Amateur Radio exams. W7ILD said that he would renew his VE status with W5YI so that we could add him to the Club’s VE pool.
  1. Dennis gave a solar weather update to the Club.  There was a discussion of 40m band conditions amongst club members during the course of the update.
  1. The key to the storage unit was transferred from Jeff Sak to Whitley Smith at this meeting.
  1. Jeff Kelso offered to spearhead the coordination of the .78 and .23 repeaters for Umatilla County ARES.  A discussion of the trustees of the ARES repeaters and stations ensued.  The trustee of KC7RWC is currently Kenneth Hogeland, KD7ZCM.  The trustee of KC7SOY is currently Dennis Wall, KD7KSW.   Dennis McKenry will call Dennis Wall to see about perhaps transferring the trusteeship of the KC7SOY license to another ham.  The new Morrow County Emergency Manager is Paul Gray.
  1. Jeff Sak informed the membership that he has been appointed to the Morrow County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) and was looking for any information or requests that might be passed on to that committee from the amateur radio community.  Alan mentioned that he is a member of the Umatilla County LEPC.  
  1. Dennis brought up Field Day on June 25th and 26th.  Jeff K. mentioned that the park shelters are reservable up to 90 days in advance.  Anna mentioned that she has 11 acres and the Club could hold Field Day there if necessary.  Jeff will ask the Director of Parks and Rec to see if the Club would be allowed to stay in the park overnight.
  1. The HARC breakfast will be next Saturday (3/19/22) at Rayz Dayz at 8AM.
  1. Dennis mentioned that there is a FEMA Interoperability Exercise on Wednesday at 10:30 AM.  
  1. Dennis mentioned that the Amateur Radio Society of Great Britain has cut off contact with amateurs in Russia and Belarus.  Some discussion of the matter ensued amongst Club members.  Generally speaking, Club members were against this measure and felt that the ban violates the spirit of amateur radio.

The meeting was adjourned by KJ7NYZ at 20:31.  

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK.

March 2022 Meeting Minutes
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Jeff Kelso

Technology Director at Hermiston School District