The February 3rd, 2025 monthly HARC meeting was held at Hermiston High School in Room 311 and was called to order by President Sam at 19:00.
Guests: Elizabeth R.
New Members: None
The January 2025 meeting minutes and February 2025 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report were distributed via email by J. Kelso on 02/01/2025.
A motion was made by Todd to adopt the January meeting minutes as presented and it was seconded by Emery. The motion passed unanimously.
The February 2025 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was read by Jeff.
Ongoing Business:
- Dennis provided a solar report to the membership.
- Testing – Kevin sent this update via email: “We have an applicant for the Feb 11th session. Currently Kevin, Dennis, and Jeff are on tap to conduct the session.”
- LCTOTA – Kevin provided an update via email: “Lewis and Clark Trail on the Air committee has been notified that we want to participate again this year. Dates of the event are May 31st to June 15th 2025. I will bring more information to the club as it becomes available. Last year a group of us participated in this event and had fun. Please consider signing up for some sessions this year. I will offer a Zoom session again this year on participating. I do want to clean up the logging process and submitting logs so we are all doing it the same way. I have a better understanding of the log submission process now.”
- Ione School Ham Radio Class – Todd said that Becky, KK7RF, stopped by the school and made a radio contact with each student on 2m simplex. Anna moved that each of the students and teacher(s) in Todd’s class be given a HARC patch. Motion was seconded by Mike. Motion carried unanimously, and patches were given to Todd for distribution.
- The Fourth Thing – Will be held on February 28th at the Hermiston School District IT Office. The Fourth Thing is meant to be a hands-on workshop where any interested hams are invited to participate if they’d like. A discussion about the timing, location, and nature of the events ensued.
New Business:
- Kevin said via email that he would like to be nominated for another term as a member of the HARC Board of Directors. Jeff nominated Kevin, as did Todd. Nominations will close on 02/24/2025.
- Pendleton Round-Up Wagon Train – Kevin sent the following information via email: “We are once again being asked by the organizing committee to provide communications from the wagon train camp to town for possible emergencies or contact to persons in town. Same format as before. I will ask for monitoring stations in the April/May time frame. Wagon train this year is June 21 to 28; with ops needed on 06/23, 06/24, 06/25, 06/26, and 06/27.”
- Website updates – President Sam said that he’d like to have pictures of recent events sent to him so that they can be posted on the website. Also, President Sam asked if anyone would like to take ownership of the updates to the website. Rhett volunteered to do so. Jeff created a user account for Rhett and gave him admin access.
- Umatilla/Morrow/Gilliam licensed hams spreadsheet – Anna says that she is going to keep the spreadsheet that was generated for Winter Field Day mailings up to date.
1. Club Breakfast – Saturday, February 15th at Rayz Dayz, Umatilla at 8:00 AM.
The meeting was adjourned by AA7TH at 19:44.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Kelso, W7JJK.